From Gabrielle's review of Shalimar on Goodreads, Dec 23, 2020
“Shalimar, you said this to me in a dream. You told me, ‘Time doesn’t move forward, but inward.’ I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what it means and I think I’ve finally figured it out. Eternity does not expand, but rather it concentrates inside us. Eternity is simply one moment. It is this.”
A magical car, several thousand packs of Polly Molly’s, and two lovers traveling through space, time, and life together.
This novella is delightfully relatable; following a sensational, exceptional woman named Shalimar and a man with a heart of gold and racing thoughts named Gable. It is chock full of those small, intimate, often seemingly minuscule moments in relationships that are actually the foundation for greatness. She sticks her finger in his mouth when he yawns and he circles clues in crossword puzzles that reminds him of her. She loves the taste of his cologne and his book of idioms. He loves how she pronounces breakfast ‘breafeks.” Reading this makes you feel like you’re witnessing something outrageously special. A relationship set on fire. You’ll be thrilled to be along for the ride.
Gable is the type of chivalrous, considerate guy you dreamed of being with and Shalimar is the woman you wanted to become. Their relationship is silly, sex(xx)y, complicated, yet simple. Questioning and pondering the inner workings of life together. I adore how they challenge one another yet also bring out their best selves.
Lasser’s writing is clever and witty while dipping into some serious Pablo Neruda vibes that will make you FEEL. A combination of affectionate conversations, lyrical prose, and private poetry, Shalimar will sweep you off your feet from start to finish.
From dLew's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, September 9, 2017
Lasser's vivid tapestry, unspooled from the fabric of a near futuristic new york approaching a digital dystopia, deftly weaves the existential journeys of four characters as they attempt to navigate the perils of love, identity, and spirituality, through rebelious art, music, and the after hours... as much a mystery as it is a dark comedy!
From M. Astor’s review of Doubly Bubbly on Amazon, August 5, 2020
An innovative, creative novella! Unexpected is the word that first came to mind when reading Louis Lasser’s Doubly Bubbly which has a refreshing, non traditional approach to the format. It does contain some wonderful poems and also has a fun sense of experimentation ranging from creative layouts and wordplay to the flipbook hidden within some of its pages. It invites the reader in and even allows a self-dedication but also has a feeling of voyeurism as if you’re reading a personal journal at times. I enjoyed the book's arrful pontifications and avant-garde design.
From Nic's review of Shalimar on Amazon, January 21, 2021
Currently Petitioning for David Lynch to Make This His Next Film. Louis Lasser quickly became my favorite author back in 2017 and his 3rd offering has me craving more content. This book expanded his world into absurd territory through the lens of a “500 Days of Summer”-esque relationship. Lou has the ability of turning two words into poetry so imagine what he can do in 140 pages. I will continue to recommend his work to everyone I meet.
From Timothy's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, July 4, 2020
An Absolute. Like the vast expressiveness of Ornette Coleman and beautiful tone of Stan Getz, Lasser IV’s vibrant storytelling is something every individual should experience. Wednesday Night Meeting is a clear example of Lasser IV’s unique and captivating writing.
From Amazon Customer’s review of Doubly Bubbly on Amazon, July 3, 2020
Unprecedented uniqueness and absolute genius!!! Lasser has captured the inner workings of the mind. A true stroke of genius. Through his prose, poems and How-To's evolves a masterpiece of wit and genuity. As an avid reader, I have never read a book that takes you on a personal roller coaster of the Author's mind and your own more than Doubly Bubbly. Diving into the poems that feel as though they were written for you, from his alphabet life discoveries and lessons expresses an originality that cannot be duplicated, a play list of the century, his personal take on love, his intriguing use of a key board and play on words will leave you reeling for another page, another image to capture and interpet, another pun or another literary journey of genius. Lasser has been scanning and unfolding quirks and tid-bits, it makes me laugh with his ability to create and inspire a transparency for life, in such a way that shows a true connection to the author and his writings. It makes you laugh, think, wonder, and love. I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to read this book, as it is a simple read but between the lines there is complex and unique perspective that only a man on a mission to understand the true things in life could have uncovered. Also, I highly recommend using one of his poems for a me, you'll definitley make the grade. Follow his advice, even at least once. Buy this book!
From RJ's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, April 17, 2017
A very sophisticated modern novel. A truly enjoyable complex work of literature that reads like a number of short stories that intertwine into a comprehensive novel, cocktail recipe book, NYC travelogue, peek into the world of off beat art and historical jazz, while presenting an apocalyptic warning of what the future could hold for mankind if certain technologies, cultural and religious fanaticisms go unchecked. You can appreciate the deep thoughts the author brings to paper through his characters actions, struggles and beliefs. It presents the constant friction between mainstream ideologies and the alternative "buck the system" as his characters struggle with everyday societal, cultural and family issues. While there seems to be one dominant character its hard not to become intimately involved with following all four of the books characters. The format or construction of the book is truly unique, as scenes end abruptly,page formats change erratically, what appears to be random thoughts all of a sudden appear, the concordance (index) is actually used at times to present mini stories and mathematical undertones are everywhere. While the book does physically end you get the feeling that the stories have not ended for the author and we might see more. Be prepared to learn a lot of fun facts about baseball and new words to expand your vocabulary. George Orwell and Joseph Heller, meet Louis L. Lasser IV.
From Nic's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, July 3, 2020
I feel like it’s so rare to come across new authors that have the guts to send you into their own mind leaving nothing withheld. This story was my bed time companion through nights in the hospital, a break up, my quarter-life crisis and an inspiration for my own artistic endeavors. I brought it everywhere and loved telling people about it. I would leave my notes app open on my phone and take down key phrases that were particularly pleasing. I very nearly stole the phrase “Americana Trash Collection” for my band’s last project. If you want something to make you laugh, bring a tear to your eye, question your own constitutions and come out as a better person on the other side, then I would strongly recommend picking up this book. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one.
From Barbara's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, July 27, 2018
The creative way the author has woven the common thread of several short stories into one captivating story made this book easy to read in pieces (perfect when life gets in the way of reading pleasure). The ‘shout out’ to the quintessential sites of New York City of the past, yet set in the near future, creates a fun paradox for the back drop.
The author brings the readers into the stories with a mixture of poetry, love, religion any many themes that make you question, ascertain, and then question again every belief you held true.
Crucial to the appeal of this book is the very structure of the novel. It changes throughout, with the intentional use of original fonts, double-entendres, the travelogue, the index in the middle, the cocktail recipe book, and other unexpected, creative literary devices used to engage the reader and see the reality in each character.
From Andrew's review of Wednesday Night Meeting on Amazon, July 13, 2020
This book was unlike any other I have ever read. The author’s attention to detail and the detail’s detail made this something unique. It is more than just a novel. It is a collage of music, art, sex, religion, mixed drinks, and a random assortment of other miscellaneous topics, all intertwined to be a mystery/comedy.
As a music lover, I enjoyed the many music references ranging from Classical to Rap. As I read, I would look up the mentioned music and use it as a soundtrack as I continued to read. I even took notes on my favorite lines, quotes, and references. You could also use the book as a reference for mixed drink recipes long after finishing it. It may even make you want to read it again. Highly recommended.
Comments and Quotes
“Wednesday Night Meeting is like a guide on how to be a more interesting person.”
“The way you string words together in Shalimar is breathtaking.”
”I will have to read Upright Harmonica downstairs from now on. I’m giggling so much that I woke up my husband.”
“I admire you because you’re doing it. You’re living life the way you want to. You’re Kurt Vonnegut.”
“@louislasseriv just made a new set of arranged words. It’s like if Cole Porter and Sun Ra had a baby—except he’s a different kind of key-master.”